Whole House Retrofit

A Whole House Retrofit looks to make improvements to all factors of the home to deliver the maximum amount of energy efficiency and comfortable living from the dwelling post-retrofit. Whole House Retrofit addresses the building fabric such as floors, walls, windows and doors, roofs, the building services (ventilation, heating, hot water and lighting) and looks to install renewable energy systems such as Solar Water Heating and Solar Panels.

When considering the Whole House Retrofit approach, the Fabric First methodology is paramount. The cheapest energy is the energy you do not use in the first place. Fabric First ensures that the dwelling that is being considered for a retrofit is as defect free and airtight as possible as a first and foremost measure. It also encourages the use of 'quick hits' such as energy efficient building components, new windows and doors, loft insulation etc. Fabric First follows a 5-step process as follows:

Step 1  - Ensure that any defects are identified and rectified
Step 2 - Tackle 'quick hit' measures
Step 3 - Install insulation, air tightness measures, reduce thermal bridging, and ensure adequate ventilation
Step 4 - Address any further zero carbon heat demand
Step 5 - Introduce renewable energy technologies such as PV, SWH, Heat Pumps etc

A Fabric First approach is key to a good, effective retrofit. It is all too common to see clients and contractors jump immediately to Step 5 without considering the fabric of the building, thus not seeing a quick return on investment (payback) and not achieving the best Carbon Cost Effectiveness. 


Email: info@hausenergi.co.uk 

Call: 01759 361602

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