Retrofit Assessments are carried out to assess the home’s current performance, highlight areas for improvement, and assess which measures will be best suited. We offer this service to customers that are looking to make improvements to the energy efficiency of their home but do not know where to start, or to landlords and the public sector looking to improve their housing stock.
During the Retrofit Assessment, Assessors will carry out an 'Occupancy Assessment' which is used to help determine the appropriate steps to improve the energy efficiency of the dwelling. This will consider previous energy bills, and common trends of hot water and heating systems. Although two buildings may be built the same, the lifestyle of the occupants, and any works that have taken place such as extensions and alterations, will determine the amount of energy used in the dwelling. A report will then be presented to the Retrofit Coordinator to consider the next steps. A Retrofit Assessment will consist of desk research (reviewing EPCs and using Google Maps to determine the approx. age of the building), an energy survey, any additional tests (air-tests etc), and producing a report of the assessment. Simulation models may be used to populate an Energy Report, which is an addition to an EPC, and details what energy is being used by a specific dwelling.
SAP (Standard Assessment Procedure) or RdSAP (Reduced Data Standard Assessment Procedure) are used to determine the energy rating of a dwelling and provides an Environmental Impact Rating, compliance with building regs, estimated annual fuel use/cost and CO2 emissions, along with offering recommendations for improving the energy efficiency of the particular dwelling and the potential annual savings. The Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) was created by the Passive House Institute to help design low energy homes, setting out performance targets to produce low energy use and occupancy comfort. PHPP considers the energy demand per m2 and is considered to be more accurate for low energy buildings, adopting a 'fabric first' method. Whereas SAP promotes the use of low-carbon heating sources and renewable energy systems and focuses on the reduction of CO2 emissions.